iOS 18.2 doubles storage needs for Apple Intelligence - and users aren't thrilled

Trending 1 month ago

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In context: When Apple Intelligence launched past twelvemonth pinch iOS 18.1, nan institution announced a 4GB retention request for its AI-powered features, including Visual Intelligence and Siri pinch ChatGPT integration. At nan time, nan request seemed reasonable, fixed that overmuch of nan processing occurs locally connected nan instrumentality to prioritize personification privacy.

Fast guardant to past month's merchandise of iOS 18.2, and nan retention request for Apple Intelligence has jumped to a staggering 7GB of free abstraction per device, according to Apple's website. That's astir double nan original request successful conscionable a fewer months.

The apt reason? All nan shiny caller AI features packed into iOS 18.2. These see nan Genmoji civilization emoji creator, an AI image generator called Playground, nan Visual Intelligence characteristic for identifying objects and places, and, of course, ChatGPT for matter creation alongside a importantly smarter Siri.

These features are undoubtedly useful for many, but nan 7GB retention request is simply a important hurdle – particularly for users who want to alteration Apple Intelligence crossed aggregate devices for illustration an iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Together, that adds up to a hefty 21GB of storage.

The frustrating portion is nan deficiency of flexibility. Users can't prime and take which AI features to enable, leaving them pinch constricted options: upgrade to a higher retention tier erstwhile buying caller hardware, salary for further iCloud storage, aliases forgo Apple Intelligence altogether.

Unfortunately, alleviation doesn't look to beryllium connected nan horizon. While iOS 18.3 doesn't present awesome caller AI capabilities, Apple has announced bigger Siri upgrades for iOS 18.4 successful April, which could push nan retention requirements moreover higher.

Apple defends its attack by emphasizing nan advantages of on-device AI processing, including faster performance, improved responsiveness, and enhanced privateness protection compared to cloud-based models. However, these benefits travel astatine nan costs of consuming abstraction that could different shop photos, videos, apps, aliases files.

For those struggling pinch retention limitations, Apple does connection an opt-out. You tin wholly disable Apple Intelligence by navigating to Settings > Apple Intelligence.

Source Technology