Matt Mullenweg doubles down on leadership amid WordPress controversy

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A basking potato: In a caller interview, Matt Mullenweg commented connected nan early of Automattic. Facing calls for him to measurement down, he said he would not resign. Mullenweg moreover doubled down, saying that erstwhile he retires, he will find a successor who shares his values and would tally nan institution arsenic he would.

Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress and CEO of Automattic, has called retired WP Engine for benefiting from WordPress's open-source exemplary without contributing capable to nan project. WP Engine, built connected WordPress, argues it's afloat compliant pinch nan GPL, which permits commercialized usage without requiring financial contributions.

During an question and reply pinch Lenny's Podcast, Mullenweg reinforced his stance that open-source projects thrive erstwhile those who untung from them reinvest successful their development. He besides concisely discussed nan early of WordPress and Automattic, emphasizing his penchant for strong, centralized activity alternatively than decision-making by committee.

"If aliases erstwhile I'm gone, I don't want to walk it to a committee," Mullenweg said. "I want to walk it to personification other who could person a domiciled akin to mine, and really benignant of effort to beryllium a steward."

He besides expressed nan belief that CEOs should beryllium profoundly invested successful their companies, ideally holding mostly voting control. He compared his domiciled to that of a politician overseeing a city, emphasizing nan request for a leader to beryllium personally and straight progressive successful guiding nan organization.

"There yet is simply a cheque and equilibrium connected [stewardship] because, again, nan organization could time off – they could fork nan software, group could change…" he explained. "[The domiciled is] a batch much for illustration being a politician than a CEO."

His remarks travel amid increasing disapproval of his handling of nan WP Engine dispute. Some person accused Mullenweg of utilizing undue influence to pressure WP Engine into paying for its usage of WordPress, actions that critics reason contradict nan tone of free and open-source package (FOSS). WP Engine has maintained that it has nary ineligible responsibility to support WordPress financially and that immoderate contributions to open-source projects should beryllium voluntary alternatively than coerced. It contends that Mullenweg is doing much to wounded FOSS development.

The fallout has led to a class-action lawsuit against Automattic complete accusations of unfair business practices astir WordPress governance. There's besides an online petition calling for Mullenweg's resignation, though it's unclear really overmuch support it's really getting. Even pinch each this pressure, Mullenweg has made it clear he's not stepping down.

Industry experts are divided connected this. Some opportunity WP Engine benefits from WordPress without giving back, which could wounded nan platform's future. Others deliberation Mullenweg is pushing excessively difficult for payments that nan GPL doesn't require. From a ineligible standpoint, WP Engine isn't doing thing wrong, but nan statement goes beyond legality. It's astir whether companies profiting from open-source package beryllium it to nan organization to contribute.

Mullenweg isn't budging, and WP Engine isn't backing down, leaving some sides locked successful a standoff. It's unclear whether ineligible action aliases organization unit will extremity nan scales, but nan statement raises a bigger question: What do companies that untung from open-source package beryllium nan projects they trust on?

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