After a quiet twelvemonth beneath nan waves, The Sinking City 2 has resurfaced pinch a marque caller trailer and an charismatic Kickstarter run launch.
Exactly 1 twelvemonth aft its announcement, nan caller trailer for The Sinking City 2 gives america our first look astatine pre-alpha gameplay and nan expected attraction connected Lovecraftian scary first, pinch survival, and investigation gameplay mixed successful that developer Frogwares is embracing arsenic its signature style. The squad has besides published a developer heavy dive pinch a much elaborate look astatine what nan squad is readying for combat, exploration, and optional investigation.
Alongside these trailers, Frogwares has launched a Kickstarter coming to thief get nan crippled complete nan decorativeness line. In a statement, CEO Wael Amr explained that nan Kickstarter backing was basal owed to nan ongoing warfare successful Ukraine:
After 3 years of this horrid warfare hanging complete our regular lives, we've learned to adapt, though it has ne'er been easy. In 2023 erstwhile we released Sherlock Holmes The Awakened pinch nan thief of Kickstarter and our loving fans, we built ourselves a information nett that saved america much than once. From powerfulness outages and nan request for squad members to relocate connected short notice, to having to region improvement for days, this information nett was crucial. Given that The Sinking City 2 is simply a acold much analyzable and demanding game, we’ve decided to return nan aforesaid way arsenic before.Frogwares has faced numerous challenges complete nan years successful its activity connected some nan original The Sinking City, and now its sequel. In summation to nan immense challenges of processing games during wartime, Frogwares was locked successful a publishing authorities struggle complete nan first The Sinking City pinch original PC patient Nacon that resulted successful nan crippled being pulled from immoderate platforms backmost successful 2020. Fortunately, Frogwares won afloat publishing authorities past year, and announced it had settled its disputes.
The Kickstarter for The Sinking City 2 is unrecorded now, pinch a sasaran of $105,000 USD.
Rebekah Valentine is simply a elder newsman for IGN. You tin find her posting connected BlueSky Got a communicative tip? Send it to