Emma Raducanu says her caller stalking ordeal "could person been dealt pinch better", but believes lessons person already been learnt.
Speaking publically for nan first clip since nan incident a fortnight ago, nan 22-year-old Briton described to BBC Sport nan "very affectional weeks" successful which she was followed to 4 tournaments by nan aforesaid man.
Raducanu was visibly upset aft seeing nan man successful nan stands during her second-round lucifer successful Dubai.
He was removed and later fixed a restraining bid by police.
"I deliberation that since that incident I person decidedly comberan accrued attraction and greater security," said Raducanu, who was speaking earlier her return to action successful Indian Wells.
"I deliberation each we tin do is look astatine what happened and respond to it successful a amended way, successful a much affirmative way, alternatively than looking backmost and blaming nan situation.
"It could person been dealt pinch better, but now it is being dealt pinch amended truthful for maine that's important."
The man approached Raducanu adjacent nan subordinate edifice successful Dubai nan time earlier her 2nd information lucifer pinch Karolina Muchova.
He gave her a missive and took her photo, which understandably unnerved Raducanu, who had been alert of his beingness astatine tournaments successful Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Doha successful preceding weeks.
Although she reported it to a personnel of her team, nan accusation was not passed connected to nan WTA aliases nan tourney until nan pursuing day, leaving information unit pinch conscionable a fewer hours to prepare.
"I deliberation they were very affectional weeks, because it had carried connected for a fewer weeks before," said Raducanu.
"It was rather tiring. I took a week break erstwhile I comberan location successful England and I past decided to travel here."
Raducanu, who changeable to worldwide fame erstwhile she won nan US Open arsenic an 18-year-old successful 2021, told nan BBC she is improbable to put successful backstage information astatine tournaments, but added she is taking accrued precautions.
"I'm ever now very alert and not needfully doing things connected my ain immoderate more," she added.
"I'm ever pinch someone, and ever being watched I would say."
Having decided to make nan travel to Indian Wells - 1 of nan biggest events extracurricular of nan 4 fields - Raducanu has been amazed by really overmuch happier she has been emotion since arriving successful California.
Raducanu will play Moyuka Uchijima of Japan successful nan first information connected Thursday, pinch nan victor to look American 3rd seed Coco Gauff successful information two.
"Since being present successful this situation - which is 1 of my favourite tournaments - I person felt a batch better," she said.
"The allure of Indian Wells was a large portion of maine coming. I wasn't judge if I was going to travel and compete truthful soon.
"I conscionable wanted to make judge I was fresh but since coming present I person amazed myself pinch really happy I consciousness here.
"It's astir apt 1 of my favourite places connected nan almanac and I americium fresh to go."